The Foundation’s main aim is to change the image of the world of classical music through the use of innovative technologies
Julian Cochran Foundation is a group of experts and enthusiasts with vast experience in managing international cultural events.
The Julian Cochran Foundation is an NGO that has been continuously developing new audiences open to classical music since 2016. The Foundation changes the perception of classical music using out-of-the-box solutions, creating innovations at the border of business, art and technology. The weekly concerts at the Hala Koszyki in Warsaw, which the foundation has held for over 5 years, break stereotypes and prove that “classics” can accompany anyone, anytime, anywhere. The foundation supports, promotes, and helps young artists, holds events for children and adults and the world’s first online piano competition (created in 2014). The educational aspect is of key significance in the foundation’s everyday work, activities and ideas. It is with this particular aim in mind that many projects have been developed. Each of the foundation’s activities broadens the audience’s knowledge of classical music.
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