Back Movember at Hala Koszyki

Movember at Hala Koszyki

On November 13th, free screening tests for testicular and prostate cancer will be available at Hala Koszyki in Warsaw.

Across the country people will also be growing moustaches to help encourage men (through this change of image) to be more open about their health and mental health issues.

Ultrasound examinations are both painless and non-invasive. They will be available during this year’s Movember campaign – which has been raising awareness of male health issues for the last eight years.

So far, the campaign has concentrated on men’s physical health and on preventing cancer, but this year’s focus will also be on the mental health issues faced by men, which have worsened significantly during the pandemic.

The campaign, which has attracted many eminent supporters this year, is being carried out in Poland by the Kapitan Świśniko Foundation and promoted by the song ‘Wszyscy za Jednego’ [All for One’] performed by the band ‘Mosznowładcy’, which has formed specially for this project.

So, please come to Hala Koszyki on November 13th to join our campaign to raise awareness of men’s health issues and, above all, to help reduce the number of serious conditions men often suffer from.